Communicating With Plants

As a start, we are a group of 5 individuals from Bilbao and London who will meetup during from 9-13 June at OSCEdays Bilbao.

YOUTUBE gBGt5OeAQFk (Eso es una video sobre la inteligencia de las plantas)

99.7% of biomass is plant.

Plant blindness an evolutionary trait of humans.

Plants don't have organs, too dangerous, but still have many of functions we associate with organs.

Michio Kaku wikipedia

The Future of the Mind. wikipedia

Consciousness metric: the number of feedback loops required to model self in space and time.

Thermostat: 1 loop, plants: 20 loops identified.

Sensitive to relatedness, compete or cooperate.

Learning, memory up to 24 hours.


Kaku has taken a metaphor and mistaken it for a mechanism. Adam Frank. nyt

Like being there. wikipedia