Rhythm Autonomy Mastery Purpose Safety

@GeePawHill had a tweestorm about RAMPS storyify

rhythm is periods of tension leading to periods of release. it's the coming and going of energy & intensity.

autonomy is the sense of being able to control one's own situation, a kind of freedom of action within some broad boundaries.

mastery is about growth, the idea that every person has in mind a better self they want to approach. mastery is the sense of approach.

purpose is the sense of belonging to a movement or activity that is more than just one person in the dark, it is the shared goal.

and safety is the belief that we are allowed to be different, even wrong, whether it be temporally local or temperamentally global.

teams lacking safety lack ideas, cuz having a new idea is scary. ideas are the fundamental unit of software progress.

teams lacking purpose got no where to go. they don't belong to something larger, so they don't go the extra mile to stay in it.

teams lacking the drive for mastery are drones, having locked in their achievements, never to progress again inside the team.

teams lacking autonomy lack the freedom to make things worse, but they also lack the freedom to make them better.

teams lacking rhythm are either exhausted from non-stop effort or bored from non-stop conservation of effort. neither way works for long.

RAMPS -- Rhythm, Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose, and Safety. someone else said it better than me: make great software by making great teams.


Rhythm and Safety are fantastic additions to AMP.

YOUTUBE u6XAPnuFjJc Drive: by Dan Pink, animated by RSAnimate