The Sitka Center offers workshops, residencies and community events, while maintaining a facility appropriate to its needs in harmony with its inspirational coastal environment near Cascade Head and the Salmon River estuary. site
In 2005, John Gray and Randall Koch had a vision for Sitka's future. If they could build two more residences and one more studio, Sitka would have a critical mass of 5 residences and 5 studios in order to increase the cross collaboration between artists, writers, musicians, and environmental scientists.
The Residency Program has provided more than 200 artists, writers, musicians, architects and natural science scholars the opportunity to conduct their work in the unique environment of Cascade Head and Salmon River estuary. Residents are on campus October through mid-May, when public workshops are minimal.
Up to six residents at a time, usually from different disciplines and stages in their careers, live and work on campus for up to 3 1/2 months free of charge. (See the application for specific dates.) All residents perform community outreach during their stay, offering free exhibits and lectures on campus, presentations to area schools or community groups, and/or conducting scholarly research for local educational institutions.
45.0478557,-123.9946901 The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, on the Oregon Coast north of Lincoln City, is located in the center of a United Nations Biosphere Reserve designated by the United States Congress as the only National Scenic Research Area in the country.
56605 Sitka Drive, Otis, Oregon
See Aerial Map or Topo Map
Westwind is a place of sand, water and life. Any honest song of Westwind will include all three. Each is awesome and deserves respect.