Building an IBM Watson powered AI Chatbot. Philipp Langhans. medium
When added to a group chat @speech2textbot will automatically create a transcript of all voice messages. You can also forward voice messages to it if not added to the conversation. chat
It seems many developers missed the initial app gold rush and are now jumping on the bandwagon named “Bots are the new apps. The bot store is the new app store.”
If we measure the intelligence of a bot we either compare to human intelligence or the smartest bot on the planet. The smartest bot on the planet is of course Watson.
Setting up a telegram bot is super easy and straight forward. First, add the BotFather to your contacts. use the /newbot command and follow through the instructions. Write down your API token. Done.
So 50 lines of code enable the bot to understand speech. Short and hacky enough for a hackathon.
When added to a group chat it will automatically create a transcript of all voice messages. You can also forward voice messages to it if not added to the conversation.
See also: We don't know how to build conversational software yet. medium
Fill in the blanks? Teaching Alexa to find out what she doesn’t know. post
Lower, possibly more achievable goals, is to use stricter and more limited language. Similar to “Sea Speak” which is used by ships the world over, or the radio protocols for air and ship traffic.
See Society of Mind